Thursday, April 7, 2011

wk. 5 Ted Kooser's A Letter In October.

Ted Kooser’s “The  letter in October” has a very mysterious almost magical feel to the scene and it gives us the imagery of the light and water and comparison to what was and what is now, the difference and the darkness that is,startled by time.I do not believe the tittle itself wasn’t intentional, to me it set the time fame and somewhat of the scenery. I saw colors as soon as I read October. The character speaks about a drifting away of this feeling of his youth,almost a month ago as if time isn’t real its moving in storyline time.This is somewhat similar to the way the tone of the “An Epiphany” because it also uses colorful imagery and and a realistic features to display an witness to change and unreal scene.“The Letter in October” It’s more dream of what it was or how a morning felt.The character sees the hair of his wife tangled and remembers her and they way she acts: twirling of the hair and than closes the poem with the lifeless beetles broken legs.The realization ending was also used in the “Letter in October “ poem, as he awakes to darkness and open curtain to his open face and realization to now looking in.Its portraying a almost  dreamt imagery and than closing in awaking of the dreams/imagination.In-conclusion the author can uses simplicity in his advantage because he has the power to change time in our minds,his thoughts becoming illusionist dreams of the time that was and than reality is set in and its all done so smoothly that we do not realize it this we get to it’s end.

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