Thursday, March 31, 2011

News Report

“News Report” has a rough rigid attitude, although using the headlines,and quotes from articles Theres a a lot of passion and anger within the writing.There’s more of a masculine tone in the words: I googled certain lines, such as “ what you saw were a bunch of trenches with arms sticking out of them”. this was a line repeated many times originally written by Patrick J Slogan, who gave the report on how many mass slaughter of a group of Iraqis went unreported,during the Gulf War. There are many quotes of the same nature and give us the same amount of hurt. Although the author doesn’t depict her own voice it shows social concerns throughout the tittles themselves. The use of Italics evokes emphases and importance of the quotes. Although the author adds no personal anger,the chosen quotes of many statements of Army officers,one who has received a gold medal for his contribution was the one that showed the most disgust towards the actions of the Army and it’s involvement, this basically shows the overall critical tone in relation to the events.When i first read the poem I didn't think too much about the events because I was focusing on the overall theme but once I had the picture painted to me I realized how dramatic it was. I believe the author uses the rough tittles to protray the anguish and emotions related to any type of war, regardless of what side your on. What was the overall emotions that everyone felt,if any?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you're on the right track, here-this is essentially found poetry, using a collage composition techingue--so, selection of particular quotes, their arrangement, the way the lines are cut (for rhythm and emphasis), the use of italics and repetition--all are way "arranger," or (re)"composer, here (since we can't really call it a "speaker")conveys tone, attitude. An interesting area to explore in more detail in a journal.
