Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sylvia Plath’s “ Metaphors”.
Line 1        I’m a riddle in nine syllables,
Line 2        An elephant, a ponderous house,
Line 3        A melon strolling on two tendrils.
Line 4        O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!
Line 5        This loaf’s big with its yeasty rising.
Line 6        Money’s new-minted in this fat purse.
Line 7        I’m a mean, a stage, a cow in calf.
Line 8        I’ve eaten a bag of green apples,
Line 9        Boarded the train there’s no getting off.

Reading the poem at first gives it a humorous twist seems as if the poet is poking fun at herself,but than while going through the poem I saw that it was more of a comparison of feelings and heaviness pregnancy brings into the life of women.Plath creates the narrator to be deeply distressed and very judgmental towards herself.Seems as if she is  Robbed of her significance, she stands unhappy and frightened of what is to come. Nevertheless, she understands that she has done this to herself. She has become jaded in a sense. 

I believe Sylvia Plath used the most simplistic form to describe the 9months of Pregnancy and the feelings and insecurities it comes with.She is very descriptive of herself image and how she feels the impact of being a mom will take away from her being her.The poem has an attitude that many  women may have about child birth. A woman steps down when she becomes with child. Becoming a mother is not only about having a child grow inside and be born; it is continued until the child is fully grown into a responsible adult.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

wk:7 lawrence ferlinghetti: In Golden Gate Park that day....

I enjoyed reading the poem because it has a calm and rhythmical vibe to it. The use of imagery such as meadow built up the beauty of the park and importance of that spot they choose to go to. the tress that dreams there gave a peaceful romance to the scene to the park and atmosphere. lines such as: 
      "And then the two of them came on
                                                thru the enormous meadow   
which was the meadow of the world".

while reading we are shown this almost perfect day and even though  he says" without saying anything" we dnt realize that its not cut-communication rather I pictured a couple that are relaxing and have a routine and understood one another without saying a word. towards the end we are re-introduced to the flute which no one plays:almost seems like an accessory to be more creative or new generation/ artistic image rather than corporate persons in the city.

finally the ending is a left turn of shock:   "and finally looking over
                                                                at him
                  without any particular expression
                                                               except a certain awful look   
                        of terrible depression".
This line was the last and almost the most vivid and shocking line in the poem.all the emotions that were missing are all in these last few words and makes this day even more real. because even when all seems perfect and collected within a surrounding:there lies depression. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

wk.6 Ginsberg ''Howl''.

When Reading the poem there was a sense of pity and despair in the words. We are given Ironic comparisons between his communities Politics, Poets, Jazz musicians,and drug addicts are all " unrepresented outcasts" and according to him "Best minds of his generation"As the poem cont's we are sensing that the molding and up rise of industrialization is his point of demise of the great minds.

My favorite lines are :

"who threw their watches off the roof to cast their ballot for Eternity outside of Time, & alarm clocks fell on their heads every day for the next decade,
who cut their wrists three times successively unsuccessfully, gave up and were forced to open antique stores
where they thought they were growing old and cried". 
This was the most symbolic imagery of change and unwiliness of the change that came to those who were used to a certain lifestyle.The thing he refers to is taking over and making people change and conform into a style of living which is undesirable and unwanted. His people have been reformed into this mold.
 Towards the end we are introduced to  Rock land the coming to acceptance with what is the America and the sheets of cover up. This poem had a sad but rhythmic sense of tone in it. it brought out a motion in the words. 

wk. 5 Ted Kooser's A Letter In October.

Ted Kooser’s “The  letter in October” has a very mysterious almost magical feel to the scene and it gives us the imagery of the light and water and comparison to what was and what is now, the difference and the darkness that is,startled by time.I do not believe the tittle itself wasn’t intentional, to me it set the time fame and somewhat of the scenery. I saw colors as soon as I read October. The character speaks about a drifting away of this feeling of his youth,almost a month ago as if time isn’t real its moving in storyline time.This is somewhat similar to the way the tone of the “An Epiphany” because it also uses colorful imagery and and a realistic features to display an witness to change and unreal scene.“The Letter in October” It’s more dream of what it was or how a morning felt.The character sees the hair of his wife tangled and remembers her and they way she acts: twirling of the hair and than closes the poem with the lifeless beetles broken legs.The realization ending was also used in the “Letter in October “ poem, as he awakes to darkness and open curtain to his open face and realization to now looking in.Its portraying a almost  dreamt imagery and than closing in awaking of the dreams/imagination.In-conclusion the author can uses simplicity in his advantage because he has the power to change time in our minds,his thoughts becoming illusionist dreams of the time that was and than reality is set in and its all done so smoothly that we do not realize it this we get to it’s end.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

News Report

“News Report” has a rough rigid attitude, although using the headlines,and quotes from articles Theres a a lot of passion and anger within the writing.There’s more of a masculine tone in the words: I googled certain lines, such as “ what you saw were a bunch of trenches with arms sticking out of them”. this was a line repeated many times originally written by Patrick J Slogan, who gave the report on how many mass slaughter of a group of Iraqis went unreported,during the Gulf War. There are many quotes of the same nature and give us the same amount of hurt. Although the author doesn’t depict her own voice it shows social concerns throughout the tittles themselves. The use of Italics evokes emphases and importance of the quotes. Although the author adds no personal anger,the chosen quotes of many statements of Army officers,one who has received a gold medal for his contribution was the one that showed the most disgust towards the actions of the Army and it’s involvement, this basically shows the overall critical tone in relation to the events.When i first read the poem I didn't think too much about the events because I was focusing on the overall theme but once I had the picture painted to me I realized how dramatic it was. I believe the author uses the rough tittles to protray the anguish and emotions related to any type of war, regardless of what side your on. What was the overall emotions that everyone felt,if any?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sharon Olds: I go back to May 1937

When reading the poem you are automatically moved from current time to that of 1930's you can see how time and words change in matter of seconds. She speaks about seeing this couple who is pitiful and beautiful at the same time,emphasizes on their untouched bodies and than describes them in comparisons to paper dolls.She speaks about the bad they will go on to do if they remain together and become her parents and even though she has no real knowledge if what she would have said would make an impact she herself decides I rather live: I enjoyed this aspect because I felt even if she had said how she felt there's no guarantee they would split up.There's a sense of power and struggle but ultimately she decides to survive as most of us would.The whole poem is about her and what she sees: she says ''I see them... or I see my father'' gives a 3rd person look to the situation. Overall the poem was short and in combination of struggles within a girl who feels she has the power to undo the past....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The fish by Elizabeth Bishop:WK2

While reading the poem,there was a lots of imagery the details about the fish itself reflects into the catchers
mood and Interest on game of  being in pursuit.I believe that by putting so much attention on the fish, the
fishermen is given more credit.such references as the multiple lines that the fish has escaped from gives us the background on how much it was hunted and wanted by many fishermen.Also it's tremendous size reference makes it seem much more bigger and that much more of  thrill  to the reader.This much imagery also makes
you think about the loneliness about the fishermen who pays such attention to small details of the fish
features,make me at least wonder of it's himself who has been hunted and grown old and tired-some from his
own faith and chase.The fish has grown so tired and run downed that after all his effort he lets the fish go! I
believe that by doing so he relinquishes his own feelings and breathes fresh air and hopes for relief.